Firing in the Melee
By the book, you would roll semi-randomly based on relative size and numbers before the "to hit" roll is made. ("The minor difference represents the fact that there will be considerable shifting and maneuvering during combat which will tend to expose both opponents to fire on a near equal basis.") I don't know if it's worth the continual effort, though I think we've found how advantageous missile fire is when playing by the book. I wouldn't be opposed to make that semi-random determination only if the shooter misses the "to hit" roll for the intended target.
We assume every magic-user starts with a standard spell book. A travelling spell book costs 500 gold pieces for materials, and five of them can fit in a backpack. I think the spellbook "capacity" as listed in Unearthed Arcana is a little harsh. We'll worry about it when people start accumulating 40 or 50 spells. The primary reason to have a travelling spell book is so that you don't lose your only copy of your spells. NOTE: It does cost 100 gp per level for each spell to record a spell in your spellbook.
Training (since people are slowing approaching 2nd level)
p86 of the DMG has (as I'm sure you're shocked to discover) a pretty extensive system for the cost and time of training. While I think the concept has merit, I don't think we want the *average* 1st level character to disappear for training for 3 weeks at a cost of 4500gp to reach 2nd level.
Here's my suggested compromise, which I've used in past AD&D campaigns: Upon gaining sufficient XP, you get the new hit points immediately. Training is required for improved saves, to hit, class abilities and must be done by an NPC of the desired level or higher (until name level). This process takes 1 week and at a cost of 1000gp of pre-advancement level. Service, oaths, quests, loans, and trades of magic items can all reduce or eliminate the training fee.
Deity list (for Mark)
- Hanalla - light, hierarchy, pride, political power
- Thumis - wisdom & education. Scholastic, fussy and over-precise, well meaning old duffers.
- Belkanu - the afterlife and other planes.
- Avanthay (f)- the elements, fertility, harvests etc.
- Karakan - Glorious War, honour, violence in the cause of the state.
- Haru - darkness, chance and mystery.
- Kasarul - knowledge, secrets, and magic.
- Sarku - Death, or more precisely Undeath and Immortality.
- Dalamelish (f) - beauty, enjoyment and pleasures of all kinds.
- Vimula - Violence and burning things.
- A small shield can be counted against only one attack per melee round.
- A normal-sized shield can effectively be counted against two attacks per melee round.
- A large shield is counted against up to three attacks per melee round.
- Attacks from the right flank and rear always negate the advantage of the shield.